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10 series you should watch on Netflix

Cuántas veces te ha sucedido que planeas la noche perfecta: pijama, botanas y Netflix, ¡Mágico cierto!

Te pones cómoda y te encuentras ante un pequeño dilema… ¿y ahora qué ves?
Elegir no sería para nada un problema, si no fuera porque la biblioteca de esta plataforma tiene más de 4 mil títulos, y tú sólo tienes menos de 30 min, antes que el cansancio termine con esta cita perfecta.

Si a ti también te ha pasado, definitivamente debes quedarte hasta el final de este artículo y descubrir nuestras top series perfectas para un maratón de fin de semana.

¿Estas lista? Comenzamos.
How many times has it happened to you that you plan the perfect night: pajamas, snacks and Netflix. Perfect, right?!

Then you get comfortable and you find yourself faced with a little dilemma...what do you watch? 

Choosing would not be a problem at all, if it weren't for the fact that this platform's library has more than 4 thousand titles, and you only have less than 30 minutes, before fatigue hits and ends this perfect date.

If it has happened to you too, you should definitely stay until the end of this article and discover our top perfect series for a weekend marathon.

Are you ready? Let's begin...

1. La Casa De Las Flores

Hermosaz x Netflix Casa de las Flores
This comedy-drama series depicts the ups and downs of a wealthy family in Mexico trying to maintain the image of a perfect family until a lover appears and reveals her dark secrets, unleashing a series of hilarious and sour situations.

We are sure that this comedy with dysfunctional characters will make you spend a very entertaining weekend.

2. Club De Cuervos

Hermosaz x Netflix Club de Cuervos
This dramatic comedy follows the lives of two brothers who fight each other to prove who is the best fit to inherit the family soccer team. Each chapter is loaded with new situations that, far from achieving a union, make it worse and worse.

If what you are looking for is a light series that makes you have a good time,
Club de Cuervos is a great option.

3. Monarca

Hermosaz x Netflix Monarca
This series features a billionaire tequila mogul and his family. After 20 years of absence, Anna Maria returns to get involved in the family business, however, the management of this company brings with it a series of entanglements where corruption cases and dark secrets emerge.

Monarca is a series that episode after episode will take you to the brink of suspense and that will certainly catch you from the first moment.

4. La Casa De Papel

Hermosaz x Netflix La Casa de Papel
This series narrates what is expected to be the perfect robbery of the Royal Mint of Spain. The mind that devised this plan is "The Professor", a man who recruits seven people to carry out the great coup. However, along the way, they will discover that there are small details that escape their impeccable strategy, resulting in an incredibly addictive drama, full of love affairs, suspense and lots of action.

If you're into detective/police series, 
La Casa De Papel or Money Heist should definitely be on your playlist.

5. Elite

Hermosaz x Netflix Elite
Elite is definitely one of the most popular and successful series on the platform. It shows us the life of 3 working-class adolescents who enroll in the only and most exclusive private school in Spain, upon arrival a murder occurs that will mark the lives of all those involved.

If you like to watch thriller, mystery, and romance series, Elite is the perfect option since from its first episode it will hook you and you will not stop until it is finished.

6. Narcos México

Hermosaz x Netflix Narcos
The series describes the origins of the Mexican drug trafficking networks in the 1980s. Félix Gallardo takes over the Guadalajara cartel, initiating a unification of the Mexican drug trafficking network, creating an empire.

If you're into journalistic series based on real events, you have to watch Narcos since it shows you in great detail the beginning of those who today are the initiators of drug trafficking in Mexico.

7. Control Z

Hermosaz x Netflix Control Z
The series describes the life of high school students in Mexico who attend on a daily basis. Until a hacker alerts the school and reveals the secrets of the students. Sofia, a socially isolated student, works to discover the hacker's identity.

If you love student dramas, this is a perfect series for your playlist.

8. Made In México

Hermosaz x Netflix Made in Mexico
If you like reality shows, watch this Latin series that you will surely love. The series shows the lives of eight Mexican social elites and the drama that surrounds their lives.

This fairly light series will catch you by showing you that no family is perfect, but that despite any ups and downs they know how to overcome and stay together.

9. The Club

Hermosaz x Netflix The Club
The series with overtones of comedy and drama shows the life of Pablo, who is tired of dealing with the pressure of his father and his high expectations. Pablo starts a drug business with other rich kids in Mexico, but it only leads them into trouble with drug traffickers and the law.

This is a series full of outrageous comedy and action, perfect for a good marathon.

10. Madre Sólo Hay Dos

Hermosaz x Como Madre No Hay Dos
Two women rushed to the hospital after going into labor, and then they realized that they exchanged babies. After this, they created a plan to adjust their lives and start a family together, but sometimes coexistence among so many is not always the best idea, resulting in a series, which will give you a dose of drama, comedy and family fun.
We hope that this top 10 will guide you the next time you are faced with the all-important decision to choose a new series to watch on Netflix, and enjoy them as much as we do.

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