Agustina García
Agustina García
What do you like about being Latina?

I love my culture, being Latina is great because we have great energy and we are really friendly.

What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know?

Not many people know that I love singing! And i'm not to bad in that.

What are your favorite colors and outfits that make up most of your closet?

My basic colors are white, black and grey. I think that this colors go with everything and you can mix them.

What trends are big in your city?

Now a days, in my country the yellow is the main color

What is your favorite brand/designer? What do you like about that brand?

I don't really have a favorite brand, my clothes are all from different designers and I always bought the things that I like. I think the most important is to feel comfortable and beautiful with the clothes, not matter what brand it is. 

Agustina García
Agustina García
Agustina García
Which actresses or models do you believe have the best style?

I love the style of Zaira Nara from Argentina, and Jennifer Aniston.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what are your goals?

In five years I see myself with a degree, living in Mexico City, modeling but working in Human Resources too. My goals are first of all to be happy, to feel good about myself, to see my family happy and united and have my friends with me!

Agustina García
Agustina García

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