What do you like about being Latina?
We are born with an innate talent for dancing, the way we speak and how kind we are to people is a notable characteristic.
What is something about you that people would be surprised to know?
I practice Martial Arts, Hapkido to be specific.
What are your favorite colors and outfits that make up most of your closet?
Different shades of pink, it is said that people who like this color are super protective and at the same time very sweet.

What trends are great in your city?
There are many trends in different aspects and they can be both negative and positive.
In the political sphere there are many demonstrations against corruption. The Government for a crisis of "Finance" cut the education budget in Panama. Education must be a priority in any country in the world is the driving force for a country to develop in the best way.
In the gastronomic field there is a boom with Japanese food, sushi is found in every block of the City.
In the field of Fashion, in October Fashion Week is celebrated in Panama and I look forward to it, changes come on the runways and I mean changes in society and I expect many surprises.

What actresses or models do you think have the best style?
How to tell one in specific if there are so many that I admire. Here you have a list...
Margot Robbie
Nicole Kidman
Kate Middleton
Gigi Hadid
What is your favorite brand/designer? What do you like about that brand?
I am a person who loves fashion, always changing and enjoying the different trends that the world offers us! One night we are a fan of the 90s and another of the 80s!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what are your goals?
Right now, one of my biggest goals is to represent my country in the best possible way in the Reinado Hispanoamericano,for this I am preparing myself everyday.
One of my great goals is to learn Mandarin, it is a language so different from Spanish and it is presented as a challenge, I hope that in 5 years I can have a fluid conversation in Mandarin. Another dream is to be able to teach at the University about Interior Architecture, which is my profession and something that I am very passionate about. Finally and less important to start a family.

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