What do you like about being Latina?
Girls around the world embrace their femininity when they really want to do it and when they don't impose it. But there is something about Latina woman that comes out naturally. We seriously make an effort to look good and feel good about ourselves, about our body and appearance, we are also strong and independent woman! Therefore, most of us love to feel sexy and take pride in our femininity.
What does fashion mean to you and how would you define your style?
Fashion for me is a very large area to describe, but in short it is a set of garments, shoes or accessories that we wear for a certain period of time, my style would be hippy chic, I like floral prints, jeans, long dresses and of course accessories such as hats or fanny packs. In special occasions, I like to go elegant and for the day to day I am rather classic.
Who is your fashion icon?
I don't usually follow a fashion icon especially.

How does your culture influence your personal style?
It influences the simplicity of people, sharing a mate (drink), appreciating the nature of my country.

If your life was a movie, what should be the title?
“Work hard to reach your goals.”

What actresses or models do you think have the best style?
Natalia Oreiro.

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