Melany Fernandez

What do you like about being Latina?

What I like about being Latina is that we have a good attitude and we are dreamers to the fullest ... we are also very cheerful and we are characterized by being sexy without a doubt and our culture makes us unique!
I like being Latina because we have a good attitude and we are always positive in any situation.

What is something about you that people would be surprised to know?

I am a super friendly and a dreamy person.

What are your favorite colors and outfits that make up most of your closet?

Black and pink.

What trends are great in your city?

Currently they are wearing pretty urban looks, tennis, short but it's because of the weather.

What is your favorite brand/designer? What do you like about that brand?

My favorite brand is Dior because it has a great style. My favorite designer is Donatella Versace, unique.

 What actresses or models do you think have the best style?

 I really like Gaby Espino, Venezuelan. Beautiful and simple. As a model I like Kendall Jenner, she is beautiful.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what are your goals?

Working on a show program at Univisión. Traveling the world and working on TV, which is what I love.

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Michelle Domínguez

What do you like about being Latina?

What I like most about being Latina is that we are fun, passionate and intelligent women, Latin women distinguish themselves around the world for having family priority while maintaining that human beauty and warmth, I consider myself proudly Latin both for love I have my culture as for my values and definitely because we can take the party where we step.

What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know?

Many do not imagine that I am a woman who takes strong risks, I love adrenaline and control the pressure very well, extreme sports are a passion that fascinates me to live and the emotions that generate me overcome my fears, risks or limitations, in the end the only thing that can stop me is myself and to be honest it is never in my plans.

What are your favorite colors and outfits that make up most of your closet?

Actually I am a pretty multifaceted woman, I love trying new and different things regarding my style, one day I can go out as a barbie in a miniskirt and the other as a rock star wearing leather, so the colors affected but my style is always in good taste, at the forefront and sensual ... I guess the colors that predominate are pink, black and white.

What trends are big in your city?

I live in Cancun, the truth is that here the beach and fashion go hand in hand, women are very relaxed and natural, and this has helped to support the trend of environmental care. In our city, we take our life style more serious than fashion and we are always united to protect and care for our animals, cenotes, beaches and streets. This trend is one of the most rewarding.

What is your favorite brand/designer? What do you like about that brand?

There are so many designers that I love that it is difficult to choose just one, from a romantic Chanel to a colorful Pineda Covalin although I can say that I have a penchant for Gianni Versace. I always liked his designs and the style he used during his career in the industry fashion, considering his ideas were a great leap in the industry, imposed an exuberant and daring image in colors and textures, those who bore his name were confident and it is what the designer always wanted to project, this sexy baroque style and vampire is by far a unique contribution in high fashion.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what are your goals?

I could never answer the question of "5 years", I consider that I have many skills that open different doors to me daily and I like too many things, what if it is my I would love to appear in the artistic medium, it is one of my passions to influence in other people, since I believe that I could have the voice and ideals that help more people and I would love to spread it to all those that are possible.

Which actresses or models do you believe have the best style?

I really like Irina Shayk's style, besides being very beautiful in many aspects, she retains her essence even when I see her produced, her glamour is incomparable and I love that she always takes full advantage of her curves with everything you saw!


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Ana Lucia Tejeira

Ana pool photo
Ana swimsuit photo
What do you like about being Latina?

We are born with an innate talent for dancing, the way we speak and how kind we are to people is a notable characteristic.

What is something about you that people would be surprised to know?

I practice Martial Arts, Hapkido to be specific.

What are your favorite colors and outfits that make up most of your closet?

Different shades of pink, it is said that people who like this color are super protective and at the same time very sweet.

What trends are great in your city?

There are many trends in different aspects and they can be both negative and positive.

In the political sphere there are many demonstrations against corruption. The Government for a crisis of "Finance" cut the education budget in Panama. Education must be a priority in any country in the world is the driving force for a country to develop in the best way.

In the gastronomic field there is a boom with Japanese food, sushi is found in every block of the City.

In the field of Fashion, in October Fashion Week is celebrated in Panama and I look forward to it, changes come on the runways and I mean changes in society and I expect many surprises.

Ana wearing light purple top
Ana wearing Panama Clothing
What actresses or models do you think have the best style?

How to tell one in specific if there are so many that I admire. Here you have a list...

Margot Robbie
Nicole Kidman
Kate Middleton
Gigi Hadid

What is your favorite brand/designer? What do you like about that brand?

I am a person who loves fashion, always changing and enjoying the different trends that the world offers us! One night we are a fan of the 90s and another of the 80s!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what are your goals?

Right now, one of my biggest goals is to represent my country in the best possible way in the Reinado Hispanoamericano,for this I am preparing myself everyday.
One of my great goals is to learn Mandarin, it is a language so different from Spanish and it is presented as a challenge, I hope that in 5 years I can have a fluid conversation in Mandarin. Another dream is to be able to teach at the University about Interior Architecture, which is my profession and something that I am very passionate about. Finally and less important to start a family.

Ana wearing pink top
Ana wearing colorful top

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Laura March

Laura wearing white
Laura wearing pink dress
What do you like about being Latina?

Definitely everything. I love how passionate we are for every single thing and I’ve always admired how important the family is for us.

What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know?

Well some people tend to think that other people’s lives are perfect, especially when they see your lifestyle on social media but they would be surprised to know we only show the 1% of ourselves. For example, they must think I have a perfect family and I do, but what they don’t know is that I don’t have a relationship with my biological father at all since I was 10 years old. I consider my stepfather as my own dad.

What fashion trends are big in your city?

Well, Miami is a trend setter. A big trend that’s been going on for a while are the sunny chains, they go perfectly with any outfit and it gives a perfect fashionable touch.

Laura swimsuit photo
Laura sitting down pose
Floral summer dress
What is your favorite brand/designer? What do you like about that brand?

My favorite designer is Dolce & Gabbana. I identify myself very much with this brand it’s very colorful and full of life, designs, I find it juvenile and classy at the same time.

What are your favorite colors and outfits that make up most of your closet?

I love bright colors, hot pink, orange. I think it makes me stand out with my skin color. But I also love black, you can never go wrong wearing black.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what are your goals?

 I see myself living my best life. Being happy with my family and obviously a very successful Latina. Eventually, I want to release my own makeup line, so maybe I’ll be surprising you in a couple of months or years.

Which actresses or models do you believe have the best style?

I love fancy and classy styles, my role model is Camila Coelho I love love love her style.

Laura selfie
Lauras Chicago trip

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Rianna Levy

Black floral dress
Rianna violet dress
"My biggest inspiration is Jennifer Lopez! What I love about Latinas is the confidence, sexy point of view, strong, personality and always ambitious!"
Who were your biggest writing influences?

My writing influences were George Michael , Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga! My inspiration as a singer would be Jennifer Lopez!

If you weren't singing, what would you be doing? 

I’ve always loved to entertain people one way or another! Singing, acting, dancing would be of course any of these careers!

What’s your motto or the advice you live by? 

The motto I live by.. it’s very simple... give love, get love, be who you are! And never have doubts because... doubt is a killer it won’t let you transform in to what you want to be or who you want to be. So yes follow your dreams don’t be afraid of making mistakes since mistakes it’s the only way to lead you to success or a personality. Live life, meet people, other cultures and create beautiful memories!

Cheetah prin swimsuit
Rianna red silk dress
Rianna white v cut top
What drew you to the music industry? 

Love for music, passion, drive, adrenaline that I can’t not get anywhere else!

You write all of your own music; where do you draw inspiration from when you write songs and what’s your favorite part about the process? 

I do wright my own music as well but not only my own music! I love other talented writers I love to collaborate with.. because in the process you create some great things and you never know what’s gonna be in the end so it makes it more exciting.

What advice would you have for someone wanting to follow in your footsteps?

Always believe in yourself no matter what & follow your heart and you’ll see the end of the road all of it was worth it!

Ten years from now you will be…. 

An international singer and influencer!

Rianna selfie
Rianna wearing long black boots

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Virginia Sinaí

Virgina wearing black and white stripes
Virgina white two piece outfit
What do you like about being Latina?

Latinas are friendly, nice, extroverts. We are dedicated, determined, we like to fight for what we believe. That is a very solid characteristic of all Latin women. Nothing stands in our way to achieve our goals. If there is an obstacle, we find out how to overcome it.

What is something about you that people would be surprised to know?

Among the characteristics that define me the most, I could say that the obsession of saying the truth, always, no matter how painful, I like honest people, who say what they feel. I am meticulous and punctual. I believe that perseverance and commitment define my day to day.

What trends are great in your city?

Fashion in Argentina is chic and at the same time colorful.

Virgina swimsuit photo
Virgina drinking coffee
Virgina wearing white hoodie
What is your favorite brand/designer? What do you like about that brand?

I really like Marcelo Giacobbe.
His designs are distinguished, sophisticated.

What are your favorite colors and outfits that make up most of your closet?

In my closet, you will always find neutral colors. They are my favorite, basically because they are easy to combine!
I wear a lot of basic outfits. Jeans with a basic t-shirt, shorts and a shirt.
I also like baggy clothes. It all depends on my mood of the day.

What actresses or models do you think have the best style?

I really like the style of Hilary Rhoda.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what are your goals?

I see myself in other country. If it is in Europe, I would like to live in Spain. If fate takes me to the United States, I would stay in Los Angeles.

Virgina wearing black dress
Virgina bike top and shorts

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Paloma Sandoval

Paloma stripped swimsuit
Paloma waterfall photo
What do you like about being Latina?

I really like the culture, the warmth of the people, reggaeton and Latino men.

What is something about you that people would be surprised to know?

I like to practice altruistic work but people have no knowledge of it since I do not like to share it on the networks.

What are your favorite colors and outfits that make up most of your closet?

I love the color pink in all its shades, it is the color that predominates in my closet.

What trends are great in your city?

Because of the weather in my city, people almost always use casual clothes.

Paloma in France
Beige dress model photo
Paloma wearing turquoise dress
What is your favorite brand/designer? What do you like about that brand?

My favorite brand of the moment is Forever 21 since the style is very casual and is just what I need.

Which actress or model do you think has the best style?

I love the style of Marisol González and Kylie Jenner.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what are your goals?

Owning my spa - beauty salon in my city and being the best at it.

Paloma in Mexico
Paloma in Rome

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Brenda Yamil

Brenda wearing red top
Brenda wearing black corset
What do you like about being Latina?

I absolutely love our vibrant personalities and welcoming nature. Hospitality is a major part of who we are. 

What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know?

I am a Physical Therapy Doctor working primarily in the field of neuropediatrics. I can catch and throw a football really well! 

What are your favorite colors and outfits that make up most of your closet?

My favorite color is turquoise/ teal. Some of my favorite outfits include two piece top and bottoms that can be matched to create different looks! I also love my high waisted jeans.

What trends are big in your city?

I see the fanny pack trend frequently but I don't care for it much. 

Pink fluffy dress photo
Brenda at Disneyland
Brenda wearing brown coat
Which actresses or models do you believe have the best style?

Natalie Portman, Rihanna, Bella Hadid, J-lo (every major event)

What is your favorite brand/designer? What do you like about that brand?

I honestly can't say I have a favorite clothing designer. I believe garments are something that should fit comfortably and perfectly for your body type. I tend to search for fit rather than brand. However, my favorite handbag designers are Louis Vuitton, Yves Saint Laurent, and Chanel. I love the pristine chic and elegant styles that are built to last a lifetime.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what are your goals?

Some of my goals include further developing and specializing in my career as a physical therapist. Additionally, I look forward to more magazine publishing and growing as an influencer and lifestyle blogger. I also anticipate a baby in our home within the next 5 years!

Brenda wearing red lace dress
Brenda wearing turquoise dress

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Pía Martínez

black crop top with red jeans
Pia side pode photo
What do you like about being Latina?

I love being Latina, we are unique, because we really care for the people around us, and that euphoria that characterizes us when doing everything; We are happy people and we are passionate about what we really like.

What is something about you that people would be surprised to know?

I practice wakeboarding, I am certified in figure skating and I have a phobia of mosquitoes.

What are your favorite colors and outfits that make up most of your closet?

Most of my clothes are black, but I am incorporating colors now, and I love it! My favorite outfits include jeans, a shirt and sneakers.

What trends are great in your city?

In Mexico, there are many trends for all tastes, it is very personal.

Pia wearing yellow swimsuit
Pia wearing grey sweater
Pia wearing black crop top
Which actresses or models do you believe have the best style?

I really like the style of Cara Delevingne, she is authentic, she always changes her looks and lives her life regardless of the “what will they say.”

What is your favorite brand/designer? What do you like about that brand?

I like many brands like any woman, I could not choose a favorite brand or designer there is so much variety today for women.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what are your goals?

It is really a bit difficult today to think about how I can see myself, I am Argentinian living in Mexico, but I have already lived in other countries, it is also something that I like very much, meeting people, gastronomy, and new cultures ... People think that they can control everything but at the end of the day life shows you that we don't control anything ... I let myself go with the opportunities that thanks to God, have been amazing!
But I will not deny you that if there is something that I would like very much in the future, it is to be able to get married and start a family, and give my children things that I did not have, such as growing up with two parents, my grandmother raised me and thanks to that beautiful woman who is in heaven taking care of me today, I am the woman I am ... I feel very lucky.

Pia black and grey dress
Pia wearing black turtleneck

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