Is a brand of accessories created by Esmeralda C, a young Venezuelan who decides to capture her creative potential and her desire to transmit to current girls her way of seeing feminine garments, offering an accessible, modern and very fashionable alternative. It has a full range of tendrils, rings, necklaces and bracelets.
When is CrystalDust Designs born?
CrystalDust is created in 2015 and its name is inspired by the brightness of each of its accessories and the mixture of different materials, such as metals, cultured pearls, semi precious stones, crystals, quartz and zircons.

What advice do you want to give to Latina / o entrepreneurs?
The best advice I can give to Latinas, entrepreneurs and women in general is that: United we are better! When we support each other, our projects grow. That's how my brand became known. Thanks to other women who identified themselves with my designs, and they supported me by recommending it by word of mouth to more people.
Costa Smeralda Cuore Earrings
Tassel Earrings
Diamonds and Coffee
All Eyes On You
Gemstone Costa Smeralda
I See You Baby
Italian Summer Collection
Italian Summer Mio Cuore Earrings
BEST SELLER - Heart Earrings
Crystaldust Rainbow Ring "Costa Smeralda"
CrystalDust Gemstone Costa Smeralda Necklace
Instagram: CrystalDustDesigns
Best Sellers
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