What do you like about being Latina?
I would say that I like being Latina, due to the fact that we are characterized by our sense of humor, our human quality, the attitude with which we face the circumstances of life, we always have a joy and smile regardless of the moments that may be happening. I like being Latina because we are a racial mix in which we always characterize ourselves, I like being Latina because where we arrive we make a difference through joy, through our strength, because we always seek to stand out in what we want by always giving the best. I am proudly Latina.
What does fashion mean to you and how would you define your style?
First of all, fashion for me means a lifestyle where each person identifies themselves, illustrating their personality, their strengths and weaknesses... Second, how would I define my style... Wow, I would honestly say that my style is unique and different but it always highlights my personality and my essence in which it has a touch of rebellion but at the same time elegance, freshness, always making a difference where I go to because despite having a variant style I always emphasized my Afro-descendant roots...
Who is your fashion icon?
For me, my fashion icon is Carolina Herrera..
Why? Because she stands out and regardless of how fast fashion is changing, there is something that she never loses, which is the elegance and simplicity within her. Where she shows that it is not necessary to show much to attract attention, and that a woman is always distinguished by her elegance and attitude.

What are your favorite brand of clothes?
Woow... It influences a lot, since my culture is tropical and the coast is in my blood or as they call it the beach. It has a positive influence since my personal style is, as I said before, unique. I like the sea that can sometimes be calm and other times can be restless, showing its power, strength, freedom, abundance, prosperity, transparency. This is my personal style; not forgetting where I come from...

If your life were a movie, what should the title be?
Always be yourself, because there is always a constant struggle with society, in which despite everything, in that struggle it is always me, Darianny Finoll, who does not care about pleasing or meeting anyone's expectations, only meeting hers, which is what really gives me satisfaction and happiness. Because I know that trying to please people is something that in the end does not fulfill you as a person because you will never fulfill people's wishes. So I will always be myself.

Which actresses or models do you think have the best style?
victoria Beckham
Jada Pinkett
Rose huntington
Gigi Hadid