Denisse Echavarria
Denisse Echavarria
What do you like about being Latina?

The attitude and happiness of my people.

What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know?
I’m totally passion for the fashion.
What are your favorite colors and outfits that make up most of your closet?

Black, white, pink, purple and yellow.

What trends are big in your city?

Fashion general, tight dress, dress sweater, fashion jeans, and jackets.

What is your favorite brand/designer? What do you like about that brand?

I love studio f because it's so fresh, sparkle and young.

Denisse Echavarria
Denisse Echavarria
Which actresses or models do you believe have the best style?

All of them! I don't have someone in particular.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what are your goals?

My goals are having 1 million of followers, travel all around the world, be recognized and give talks for the girls about empowerment and fashion.

Denisse Echavarria
Denisse Echavarria

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