Tan sleeveless coat
Miss Venezuela photo
What do you like about being Latina?

I LOVE being Latina, our human warmth and our flavor makes us stand out from the rest! We are very polite, intelligent and human!

What does fashion mean to you and how would you define your style?

For me, fashion means my essence, not what is in trend. Fashion makes me feel comfortable and beautiful, it gives me confidence! I would define my style as classic and elegant!

Who is your fashion icon?

Definitely Carolina Herrera.

How does your culture influence your personal style?

I feel that my style is very unique, not influenced by my culture.

Close up Miss Venezuela photo
Side face close up
Gold swimsuit side pose
If your life was a movie, what should be the title?

The Vow," as is the movie, I am very romantic.

What actresses or models do you think have the best style?

I really like Kendall Jenner and Beyoncé.

Black and white picture
Black shirt and pearls on face

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