Florencia Vargas Ochoa
Florencia Vargas Ochoa
What do you like about being Latina?

WE ARE VERY JOYFUL WE HAVE A ROLLING ATTITUDE we are very sweet and we help those who need it.

What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know?
The image one presents to the world is determined by actions, comments, attitudes, behavior and also appearance. These things are perceived within the first seconds of the encounter with a person. So ... How to let others see the kind of person you really are? How to do to impress someone without exaggerated gestures or without having too much time? These 30 things can be simple, but they have a great impact. Its effects are lasting. People will remember the little things you do and those are the ones that can make the difference you are looking for.

What are your favorite colors and outfits that make up most of your closet?

I do not have a specific color but I really like black I like elegant and modern looks.

What trends are big in your city?

The modern looks.

What is your favorite brand/designer? What do you like about that brand?

I really like the Zara brand all their style is my favorite.

Florencia Vargas Ochoa
Florencia Vargas Ochoa
Florencia Vargas Ochoa
Which actresses or models do you believe have the best style?

I love the style of Pam Allier, Gigi Hadid, Kendall Jenner and Michelle Salas.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what are your goals?

I see myself studying graphic design.

Florencia Vargas Ochoa
Florencia Vargas Ochoa

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