Gladys Ivelisse Berrios Santiago
Gladys Ivelisse Berrios Santiago
What do you like about being Latina?
I love representing Latin beauty. I love the way we unite regardless of race, color, or origin, we extend a helping hand to those who need it. We are very talented and wherever we go we take our Latin flavor. The most I love about being a Latina is that we never give up and fight for our dreams. I am proud to be Latina.
What does fashion mean to you and how would you define your style?
For me, fashion is the way to express our creativity in the most beautiful way, having the freedom to wear that outfit that describes you so much and make it your personality; showing off your creativity to the world. I am a girl of very varied tastes, including my style. I like to feel free with the outfit I choose and add my essence to it. I have a lot of affinity with this phrase "It's not the clothes, it's how you wear them and the impact they cause."
Who is your fashion icon?
Coco Chanel.
How does your culture influence your personal style?
It influences way too much! In Puerto rico is always summer! I love to dress in tropical colors since I am brunette and I like how bright colors look on me. Our culture is very happy and tropical. I love to have my hair down and whenever I see a flower, I place it in my hair.
Gladys Ivelisse Berrios Santiago
Gladys Ivelisse Berrios Santiago
Gladys Ivelisse Berrios Santiago
 If your life were a movie, what should the title be?

Wherever God has planted you, flourish.


Which actresses or models do you think have the best style?

I love Angelina Jolie and I'm always impressed by Jennifer Lopez.

Gladys Ivelisse Berrios Santiago
Gladys Ivelisse Berrios Santiago


Gladys Ivelisse Berrios Santiago


