Latino-owned business

The inspiration for GYV came to me on one sunny afternoon while I was enjoying a Raspado de Mango, a sweet, tangy treat of shaved ice with mango, lime, and a hint of chile. At that moment, I reflected on how the flavors and fragrances that are so prevalent in my life have become global trends, disconnected from the people and land that first cultivated them in Mesoamerica. Ingredients like vainilla, maìz, and calabaza are sold in products across the globe but are only known as vanilla, corn, and pumpkin, with little or no mention of their origin. Here at GYV, we are in the business of positive change. Our mission is to touch the hearts of as many people as possible, and we want you to be part of our efforts to make a difference.

With every purchase, we will GYV a portion of our proceeds to charity. Our passion for Mesoamerican staples, voices, flavors, and fragrances will guide our efforts to find and support organizations who are nurturing and improving the communities that inspire us.

Current Charity Highlight: 

Fondo Guadalupe Musalem

Our motto is GYV Hope, GYV Love, GYV Freedom JUST GYV. This we believe starts you on the right path. Hope in yourself and your product, Love your mission, and never stop GYVing.


Sale: $40.00

Jamaica Candle

Sale: $35.00

Mango Candle

Sale: $35.00

Limon Tin Candle

Sale: $10.00

Dalia Tin Candle

Sale: $10.00

Mango Tin Candle

Sale: $10.00

Get inspired by Latina influencers and shop their favorite looks!

Melina Engstfeld
MelisaEngstfeld TV Host and Model Residency: ArgentinaNationality: Argentinian and Spanish Instagram: @meliengstfeld What do you like about being Latina?Being a[...]
Fátima Gutiérrez Aguirre
Fátima Gutiérrez AguirreModelResidence: Cd. Victoria Tamaulipas Nationality: Mexican - American Instagram: @Fatimagtzag What do you like about being Latina?The warmth[...]
Lorena Ruiz
Lorena RuizModelo y Miss Teen Supranational 2023Residencia: Madrid Nacionalidad: EspañolaInstagram: @lorenaruiiz_essp ¿Qué significa la moda para ti y cómo definirías[...]
