Lizeth Ramos
Lizeth Ramos
What do you like about being Latina?

I mean what’s not to love? I love our culture and of course our delicious food. I love the way my parents raised us to speak Spanish so we never forgot where we came from, which I’m so grateful for. Over all just the way we were raised to be strong and never depend on anyone else. 

What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know?
I’m a tomboy, I may dress girly and love makeup but I’m a forever tom boy, in my spare time I’m playing video games and honestly I prefer sneakers over heels any day. When I was younger I had a collection of hot wheel cars and hated dolls and barbies lol!

What are your favorite colors and outfits that make up most of your closet?

Black and grey! I’m not much of a colored clothes person. I feel uncomfortable when I wear bright colors.

What is your favorite brand/designer? What do you like about that brand?

Givenchy, Comme des Garçons, Topshop and Off-white.

Lizeth Ramos
Lizeth Ramos
Lizeth Ramos
Which actresses or models do you believe have the best style?

Rihanna hands down!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what are your goals?

I see myself continuing being my own boss and just following my dreams.

Lizeth Ramos
Lizeth Ramos

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