Maria hand pose
Maria model photo
What do you like about being Latina?

I feel very fortunate to have been born in a Latin country that values customs and traditions, where simplicity is our main characteristic and family is always first. I like everything about being Latina, I hope to encourage foreign countries to get to know Latin culture.

What does fashion mean to you and how would you define your style?

For me, fashion means a way of expressing your personality and lifestyle. I would define my style as unique since I don't like being like everyone else, but unique.

Who is your fashion icon?

I like to be original in my photos, videos and my work in general. But if I have to mention a fashion icon to follow it is without a doubt, Marilyn Monroe.

How did you become Miss Teen Mexico?
I was interested in beauty contests since I was a child I participated in various local competitions, and when the contest Miss Petite Veracruz 2018 came out, I spoke with my family, they told me that they would support me in everything. I participated and won the contest. I have also represented Veracruz in the national Miss Petite Mexico contest where I was named the best queen of queens, I also hold a national title, Teen Petite Mesoamerica Mexico 2019, and now I'm going to El Salvador to represent Mexico in that line where I am ready to represent Mexico at a global level.
Maria in purple lighting
Maria wearing blue dress
Violet dress photo
If your life was a movie, what should be the title?

Clueless, apart from being my favorite movie, I think that would be the title of mine.

How does your culture influence your style?

I am a girl who likes to learn new things, and not be stranded in one place, I like progress. Likewise, my Mexican culture, my culture, and the culture that my parents have taught me, have formed my personality, my style and my way of working.

What inspires you?

Many people told me that I could not achieve my dreams, because I am short, period. Therefore, my interest in beauty pageants increased, I did it for every person who told me that I was not going to be able to. I also developed my personality, followed my dreams and now I am a voice for young people, encouraging them to believe in their dreams and to keep trying even though they may get some “NO,” keep chasing that “YES.”

Maria traditional Mexican outfit
Bunny mask photo

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