Mariam Cabrera Suazo
Mariam Cabrera Suazo
What do you like about being Latina?

There are so many things, I feel proud of being Latina and of the mix that makes me who I am, the richness of the Latin culture is unique and full of peculiarities. The warmth that characterizes us and that "taste" that nobody knows how to explain, we keep the rhythm in our blood. No matter where I am, my love for colors, music, traditions, cuisine and landscapes of my island will never change. Being Latina is the ultimate!

What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know?

That I am a business woman and very independent, I do a thousand things at once, I can not stand still!

What are your favorite colors and outfits that make up most of your closet?

My favorite color is purple, but in clothing I love earth tones like camel, military green and mustard, they are the most repeated tones in my closet and I always combine them with gold accessories.

What trends are big in your city?

I'm in the Caribbean, so here the essential thing is to have a variety of beachwear and the more bikinis the better. They are never enough!

What is your favorite brand/designer? What do you like about that brand?

Personally, I'm not guided so much by any designer or brand in particular, but to find clothes that favor me, if I like them and they make me feel comfortable, then is a yes.

Mariam Cabrera Suazo
Mariam Cabrera Suazo
Mariam Cabrera Suazo
Which actresses or models do you believe have the best style?

I'm a fan of Jasmine Sanders and Joyjah Estrada, they have a natural elegance and a lot of style, besides the beautiful vibes that make them even more beautiful.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what are your goals?

My goals are to grow my business, and in 5 years ... it is very uncertain, I prefer to be surprised by life!

Mariam Cabrera Suazo
Mariam Cabrera Suazo

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