Miss Teen Mundial Colorado 2022
Miss Teen Mundial Colorado 2022
What do you like most about being Latina?

What I like most about being Latina are the traditional values of Latinos! Valuing time with family. The belief that there is only one powerful God. I like that I carry beautiful and humble people in my heart from the towns where my parents grew up. As well as being able to enjoy a variety of food made with a lot of love.

What does fashion mean to you and how would you define your style?

Fashion for me is what we see people wear every day, be it clothing, food, even music. It's a way of how people express themselves. My style is very casual during the week with leggings and a sweatshirt. And then boom the weekend highlighted all the good stuff.

Who is your fashion icon?

My fashion icon is Naomi Campbell. She has always been an impactful woman not only on the runway and in fashion but is also involved in a mix of activism and philanthropy.

How does your culture influence your personal style?

My culture greatly influences my style. Being born in the United States with Mexican roots introduces me to 2 styles of how to dress. I definitely wear a bit of both when dressing.

Miranda Díaz Márquez
Miss Teen Mundial Colorado 2022
Miss Teen Mundial Colorado 2022
If your life were a movie, what should the title be?

It would be called "perfectly imperfect" because as much as we try to be perfect we will never achieve it. In this world there is no such thing as being perfect, but there is being imperfect and try again.

Which actresses or models do you think have the best style?

Of the models and actresses that I see nowadays, I love the Hadid's sisters and also the Kardashian's sisters. These women have marked the definition of beauty and fashion.