luz wearing leather mini dress
luz wearing red coat
What do you like about being Latina?

I love being Latina, I love the authenticity of our natural beauty especially on women. I feel so proud of our unique traditions and cultures, especially the delicious and diverse cuisine. I really love the will power of achieving our dreams and goals even with the so many challenges coming to the USA. I admire Latin role models that influence others with positivity which is actually one of my personal goals; to be a role model and affect my people in a positive way. Latinos are friendly, genuine, amazing and talented people. We are family people and always support the fiestas. I love being Latina for the simple fact that I was born to be someone in this world.

What is/are your favorite color(s)?

I have two favorite colors: orange and black. The combination is amazing in my personal opinion.

What are your favorite brand of clothes?

Bebe, Banana Republic, Gap, Guess and White & Black.

Do you go for price or brand or style?

I really go for the three of them, I love the fact of buying a whole bunch of quality items at a low cost. (Shop smart)

What are your favorite things to do? 

I enjoy nature, meditation, and going to travel 

Luz wearing diamonds on her face
Luz in nature
Luz at a farm
What's your favorite style?

Casual professional with my hair and make-up done.

What are the items you always carry in your purse?
  • Make up bag, Sun glasses, Agenda, Cell phone, Wallet, Keys
Which actor/actress or model has the best style according to your taste?

I like J-Lo. She inspires me.

Who was the role model growing up and how does that influence who you are today?

Thalia and Shakira. Since I was a little girl I had big dreams and visions of being an entrepreneur and positive driven woman. So far my achievements such as being a model, actress and host fuel me even more to continue my work ethic and develop my self in every aspect of my life in order to help others to get where they want to get.

What is your favorite Latino Dish?

Chicken soup Mexican style, mole Oaxaqueño, caldo de res with a lot of vegetables and tamales de elote.

luz wearing turquoise dress
Luz wearing print dress

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