Nashaly Zoé Muñiz Molinero
Nashaly Zoé Muñiz Molinero
What do you like about being Latina?

I love being a grateful young woman for being Latina. I cannot be specific about something I love to be, but emotionally I am a person satisfied with my roots.

What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know?
Something that people would be surprised to know about me, is the reason for my participation in the beauty contests. To this day, I have participated in four competitions and the purpose is to live each contest giving the best of myself, seeking to conquer the crown, but not always leave with the same. My goal is to be able to write a book that tells how each experience has been, thanking each person for believing in me and motivating the girls to fight for their dreams. Among other little things, that little by little I will let you know.
What are your favorite colors and outfits that make up most of your closet?

I am a lover of neutral and simple make-ups. Those that make me look natural. In my wardrobe, I currently have a great diversity of prints, colors and fashions according to each season. However, undoubtedly among my favorite colors in clothing are mustard yellow, terracotta, royal blue, white and red. While in the prints I love the floral and the simple linear print.

What trends are big in your city?

In my country all the time it is summer, that is Christmas time you feel different temperature, but you can come out in short pieces. That is why here in Puerto Rico, one can say that a possible trend is summer fashion, which are shorts, casual blouses for girls. People create his or her own trend and their own style. However, people like me who follow the fashion trend according to each season wear the colors for each, according to the weather.

What is your favorite brand/designer? What do you like about that brand?

It is a complex question, I have collaborated with several designers and I love each one's creativity and diversity. Nevertheless, I have to accept that one of my favorites is:

Raul Japhet: I had the honor to be part of his first presentation in catwalk and I have to accept that all his creations are a mixture between elegance, simplicity and daring. Personally, they are characteristics that I can mention that I have seen in each one of his creations. I am very sure that I will continue to wear his art, it is incredible and best of all is that he is a designer from Puerto Rico who is just beginning to take his first steps in the industry rapidly.

José Luis Negrón: I have not been able to work with this designer, but his creations always make me fall in love. I cannot define what is beautiful about everything I have seen that this artist in fashion has created, every piece automatically becomes my favorite, I love the detail in every piece, the notch in every girl who wears the pieces, the creativity she embodies in her work is incredible. I hope at some point in my career I will be able to wear your beautiful creations.

Giannina Azar: Designer from the Dominican Republic, I have never been able to dress any of her beautiful creations but if there is one thing I am sure of, it is that at some point I will. I love every piece of this talented fashion artist, who today dresses big stars. Every time I see a design on a red carpet or an event, I am fascinated. I love it. I love it

Nashaly Zoé Muñiz Molinero
Nashaly Zoé Muñiz Molinero
Nashaly Zoé Muñiz Molinero
Which actresses or models do you believe have the best style?

I love the diversity of every girl no matter if she is a model, beauty queen, actress or musical artist. However, to be honest my model, beauty queen and influence on fashion and style is Olivia Culpo, Miss USA 2012 and Miss Universe 2012. I love how photogenic she is, how she manages to complement each trousseau she wears, I love her personality the one I have seen on social networks. I love it. It's definitely my favorite.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what are your goals?

Five years from now, I see myself culminating my professional career at the University, beginning my career in the media. In the same way I can mention that probably from here to five years I have culminated my trajectory in beauty pageants, reason why surely I will be beginning to write my own book. Always thinking big, I also plan to open my own business, where I will seek to contribute greatly to women in Puerto Rico and outside my country. Five years from now that is my vision, although I will be willing to accept any challenge that is presented in order to grow in the professional and personal field. On the other hand my achievements beyond the five years mentioned above, I see the possibility of being able to find a person who helps me to complement my life and with whom I can begin to create a family full of love. Among other projects. I always stay positive, I can define myself as a growing woman all the time.

Nashaly Zoé Muñiz Molinero
Nashaly Zoé Muñiz Molinero

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