Water portrait photo
Silk with halo crown
What do you like about being Latina?

That affectionate, attentive, sexy vibes that Latin women have, and that are recognized worldwide for that. The taste to dance, the warmth, we are a great culture.

What does fashion mean to you and how would you define your style?

Fashion is part of the environment in which I work, so it is present in my life day by day. I am not attached to any style, sometimes I like to be more girly sometimes I go with darker looks, I love to try everything.

Who is your fashion icon?

Karl Lagerfeld.

How does your culture influence your personal style?

 I love my Mexican culture, I could not say that I include it every day in my style of dress but if it is present in my taste, my way of life, my beliefs etc.

Silvia wearing purple dress
Silvia wearing green dress
White outfit w/ silver boots
If your life was a movie, what should be the title?

Intrigue. The truth is that I do not have so many things planned, I let it flow  according to life and the opportunities that come my way, one month I am in Mexico the next I am out, so that word completely defines my lifestyle.

What actresses or models do you think have the best style?

Emily R. 

Silvia B&W one piece photo
b&W full body photo

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