What do you like about being Latina?
What I like about being Latina is that being born in a country in South America, Argentina, because of the social, political and economic conditions that "trains" you, teaches you to survive, to tolerate and overcome many situations that other people Because they were born in more developed countries, they probably never had to live.
What is something people would be surprised to know about you?
Something that I can highlight is that I like to study a lot. I chose to start the Social Communication career when I was 17 as soon as I finished school and it turned out to be something that I love. I travel a lot every day to get to the faculty. In Buenos Aires the distances are very long and chaotic but still I love being able to come to study and learn.

What trends are great in your city?
Currently the trend of the Giant Shoes - Sneackers XXL - is all the rage in Buenos Aires. They are used with ALL types of clothing. The combination of sportswear, sneakers, along with formal clothes such as blazers are widely used.

What is your favorite brand/designer? What do you like about that brand?
I love Rhapsody. I love your Hippie Chic style. Decontracted and canchero. If I could, I would always dress like this.
What are your favorite colors and outfits that make up most of your closet?
Most of my wardrobe is made up of the color Pink. I love to wear pink in my looks, I always agree or even wear many pink clothes at the same time.

What actresses or models do you think have the best style?
Gigi Hadid ♡. I love his style and the way he carries his physical appearance. He knows he looks good and he doesn't. She is always SHE, genuine, follows her own tendency.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what are your goals?
In 5 years I would like to be received from my career as a Communicator and at the same time be working as a famous or trend model in countries abroad or even in Argentina. Impose a style of Real Beauty and that I am known for that.
I would also like to be a producer in major brands, help with my vision of a model that started her career at 15 years.

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