What do you like about being Latina?
Being Latina is like living a party 24/7! Latinos transmit joy, flavor, charisma and authenticity. We are well recognized anywhere in the world. Whether for our delicious cuisine, multiculturalism or positivism.
What does fashion mean to you and how would you define your style?
Fashion is the art of expressing how you feel or your identity through different textures, cuts, styles, prints and more. I would define my style as, ‘Artsy’ because it depends on how I feel or on what I want to transmit that day, that the design or creation of the blouse, hat, jacket or any accessory that I carry with me will vary. Each artistic style you use will be different, since everyone has their own idea of "art." That is what makes my style so unconventional.
Who is your fashion icon?
I like Tyra, because she is authentic. Therefore, her authenticity, makes me, my own fashion icon.

How does your culture influence your personal style?
My culture influences my personal style because I feel proud of the land which I come from, therefore I like to wear on several occasions garments or accessories of the city in which I live as straw hats, tagua accessories or creations from any corner of my country.

If your life was a movie, what should be the title?

What actresses or models do you think have the best style?
Tyra banks.

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